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Welcome to Regent Park Community Health Centre

Removing Barriers. Improving Lives.

Who We Are

Thank you for your interest in the work we are doing in the Regent Park and Moss Park areas.

The RPCHC supports the people who live and work in the area to improve the health and well being of the community. We offer a wide range of services and programs to all who are in need and meet the selected criteria. We offer services and programs that are tailored to the various needs of our diverse clients. The RPCHC assists in building the community’s capacity to take action with common issues impacting health. Come pay us a visit and see how we can work together in building up the health of this dynamic community.

50 Years of History


Programs & Services Offered


Strategic Priorities & Enablers



How Can We Help You?

Latest News

30 Aug 2024

RPCHC Statement for CTS Closures

For more information about Regent Park Community Health Centre Statement for CTS Closures please Click Here.…
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10 May 2024

RPCHC – RFP Asset Mapping and Needs Assessment

May 2, 2024 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL:Asset Mapping and Needs AssessmentThe Regent Park Community Health Centre (Regent Park CHC) invites highly…
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27 Mar 2024

Message for Clients and Service Users

Unfortunately, we must inform you that the majority of our staff are currently on strike, after negotiations with OPSEU Local…
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Resources to help you thrive

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Make a difference to our community


We provide comprehensive services to improve health and well-being, and work collaboratively to build healthy communities and reduce inequities.


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