About Regent Park
Community Health Centre
About Us
Established in 1973, the Regent Park Community Health Centre (RPCHC) is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to improving the health of Regent Park area residents and community. We provide integrated high-quality primary health care services, including health promotion services and community capacity building. Our priority is to reduce the health inequities experienced by low-income, immigrant, refugee, non-status, marginally-housed, and homeless populations.
Our belief at the RPCHC is that good health is an essential resource for life and that access to health services, education, housing, employment, social status, gender, and the sense of being included or excluded from society, etc. – impact on our health. Health is much more than not being sick it is about being able to make choices that help make your life better. It is about having a voice in your community, listening to needs, helping others through action, and being able to hope.
We offer a wide range of services at the Regent Park Community Health Centre to help you.
Please see our program details or contact us for eligibility.
The Areas We Service
Our Mission
We provide comprehensive services to improve health and well-being, and work collaboratively to build healthy communities and reduce inequities.
Our Vision
Equitable health outcomes and social justice for the communities we serve.
Our Values
We commit to being respectful, compassionate, and accountable to each other, our clients, community members, and partners.
Community ownership
We build community leadership because our community is strongest when community members identify and advance their priorities.
We break down barriers to access, celebrate our diversity, foster inclusive communities, and oppose racism, discrimination, and oppression everywhere.
We embrace effective practices, work collaboratively, and create and deliver services that bring the greatest value to our communities.
Strategic Priorities
1 Strengthen Community
Strengthen local capacity and leadership so the Regent Park and Moss Park community can advance their health and well-being priorities.
2 Increase Access to Services
Improve access to and delivery of comprehensive primary health care and supports for people who are vulnerable in Regent Park and our extended downtown east catchment through collaboration, partnerships, and client-centered service planning.
3 Care for Our Organization
Be a place where people want to work and grow.
4 Advance Black Health
Work with partners and community members to address anti-Black racism and advocate for polices that reduce health disparities.
History & Regent Park CHC Model
The Regent Community Centre is a member of the Alliance for Healthier Communities, which is the voice for Ontario’s community-governed primary health care. The Alliance mandate promotes good health in communities including schools, homes, workplaces, and individuals.
Membership with the Alliance for Healthier Communities provides the RPCHC with access to the electronic medical records (EMR) system and the Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) solution.

Client Satisfaction
Weren’t entirely satisfied with your experience at Regent Park Community Health Centre? Have some suggestions on areas we can improve? Or did you receive great service? Fill out the form and let us know!