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RPCHC is governed by a Board of Directors elected from our membership. The Board meets approximately 10 times per year and has an Annual General Meeting (AGM) report to the membership, and the community.

Image of Shiran Isaacksz


Shiran Isaacksz

Image of Edward McDonnell

Co-chair, Governance Committee

Edward McDonnell

Image of Mansoor Mahmood


Mansoor Mahmood

Image of Meghan van Zanden

Finance Committee

Meghan van Zanden

Image of Sheila Banks-Switzer

Quality Committee

Sheila Banks-Switzer

Image of Suhayb Shah

Finance Committee

Suhayb Shah

Image of Nimira Dhalwani

Chair, Quality Committee

Nimira Dhalwani

Image of Namarig Ahmed

Quality Committee

Namarig Ahmed

Image of Janet Butler-McPhee


Janet Butler-McPhee

Image of Adan Awale

Finance Committee

Adan Awale

Image of Ali Vahit Esensoy

Quality Committee

Ali Vahit Esensoy

Image of Terrence Bristow

Quality Committee

Terrence Bristow

Image of Ermias Nagatu

Governance Committee

Ermias Nagatu

Image of Keltie Gale

Vice President

Keltie Gale

Image of Payam Pakravan


Payam Pakravan

Image of Anjum Sultana

Co-Chair, Governance Committee

Anjum Sultana


The Board has several committees designed to provide it with advice. The committees are chaired by a member of the Board but include other volunteers. These committees include:

Icon of hands overlapping

Governance Committee

Providing advice and leadership to help the Board be successful in its job of governing, including recruiting and nominating new Board members.

Icon of a hand holding a checkmark

Quality Committee

Icon of stacked bills

Finance Committee

Providing advice and oversight on financial matters to ensure the Health Centre has secure funding.

Icon of a heart

Executive Committee

Officers of the Board

If you are interested in learning more about being a member, the committees or sitting on the Board of Directors, please contact the Executive Director at 416-364-2261.


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