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Group Mentoring offers a variety of interactive after school programs designed to assist in the development of social skills.

The activities provide students with opportunities to self-reflect, learn about themselves, problem solve by thinking through challenges, and develop tools for building and maintaining social connections. Grade 9 students are required to sign up for at least 1 semester (12 Wks). Students may sign up for semester 1, semester 2 or both on the day that DOES NOT conflict with their assigned tutoring days. There will be a field trip/activity at the end of each semester for students who have attended the majority of the 12 week sessions. The safe walk will be provided to and from the Pathways office for students who wish to have this support.


411 Parliament Street, 2nd Floor


Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Office hours are from September to June (excluding holidays).


Steven Chuang (Director)
416-642-1570 ext. 262

Iron Chef

The Iron Chef program is a 24-week program that runs from October through April. There are 2 intake periods during the first and second semesters. During the sessions students have the opportunity to learn exciting new recipes, learn about nutrition, and then cook and eat the various recipes. They will engage in exciting challenges and build their skills and confidence in a gourmet kitchen.

Homework Club

At the Homework Club older students tutor elementary school students at Nelson Mandela Park School and support them in completing their homework from the beginning of October to the end of May. Tutors will also lead and engage Nelson Mandela Park students in social activities designed to build their social skills while supporting them to be life-long learners.

Ritz Carlton

A 6-week program focused on exploring careers in hospitality at Ritz Carlton Hotel. Students will meet at the Pathways office and go to Ritz Carlton together and will return to the community together. This is a great opportunity for students from grade 10 and up who have an interest in hospitality.

Pumped for Post-Sec

Students are matched with a mentor who supports them during the 13 sessions/activities to better understand what to expect when going to and preparing to go to post-secondary. The program is done in partnership with Big Brother, Big Sister. Students in all grades may participate.

OJEN (Ontario Justice Education Network)

OJEN is a program about understanding various aspects of law, law enforcement, and individual rights. Students will have the opportunity to meet and connect with police officers and lawyers. This is a great program for students with an interest in a career in law and law enforcement.

Boston Consulting Group(BCG)

Students are introduced to mentors who work in various areas within the business sector to build their knowledge of careers within the sector as well as job readiness and networking skills. There are about 8 to 10 sessions within the school year. All Toronto Pathways sites have students in the program. Pathways staff escort students there and participate in activities.

The Underground

An after school safe space for students to connect, share, grow, and take on leadership in the lower level of the Pathways to Education 411 office. Pathways to Education students were instrumental in the design and layout of this youth centred space. It’s not uncommon to see upwards of 25 students visiting the space on a typical program day.

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